我要參加 我要祈福


~Happy Birthday For Khamtrul Rinpoche ~
有關敬愛的上師 賈傑康楚仁波切12/19日85歲大壽,學會除舉行 尊勝佛母百供長壽法會遍空自解薈供外, 仁波切自傳作者Lozang Zopa 洛桑梭巴喇嘛,從印度寺院稍來《修行的供養》建議信,全文如下~請師兄姐一起獻上虔誠的供養,您可直接回信,或是需要幫您翻譯,請寄至學會信箱lcgl.tw@gmail.com,我們將一併於12/18日統一回覆Lama Lozang~隨喜各位師兄姐~
                                               中華大圓滿任運無死喜苑林佛學會 合十
Dear Friends,
On December 19, Garje Khamtrul Rinpoche will turn 85 years old. A fellow student suggested that we might like to make an 'offering of practice' to Rinpoche on his birthday, which I thought was a great idea. As many of you will know, the best way to please the guru is by practicing his instructions and the greatest of offerings is the 'offering of practice.' So, if you'd like to participate, over the next week you may either 1.) dedicate the merit accumulated through your daily practice to Rinpoche's long life and the fulfillment of his wishes or 2.) perform practices specifically dedicated to Rinpoche's long life and the fulfillment of his wishes.
 賈傑康楚仁波切即將於本月(十二月)十九日慶祝八十五歲大壽。有同門弟子建議,我們弟子眾可以在仁波切做壽當天向仁波切獻上「修行的供養」,而我覺得這是非常好的想法。如各位所知,令上師歡喜最好的方法就是修持上師所給予的教授,而最大的供養就是「修行的供養」。因此,如果各位師兄弟/師姊妹想要參與這個供養,接下來的七天內您可以選擇:1.) 將您每天修持日課所累積的功德迴向仁波切長壽以及 他的願望都能達成。2.) 特別修法迴向仁波切長壽以及 他的願望都能達成。
Specific practices include the Seven-Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche (http://www.rigpawiki.org/index.php?title=Seven_Line_Prayer), reciting the Longevity Sutra and Amitayus' mantra (http://www.fpmt.org/teachers/teachings/sutras/amitayus-long-life-sutra.html), or practicing any sadhana whose empowerment you may have received from Rinpoche, such as Rinpoche's own pure vision of Amitayus, Chime Palter, or a Guru Yoga from Longchen Nyingthik, Chetsun Nyingthik, Yuthok Nyingthik or Khorwa Yingdrol. In addition, it is always good to do Vajrasattva's purification practice to make amends for shortcomings and wrongdoings and offer tsok (http://www.rigpawiki.org/index.php?title=Tsok) to repair breaches in our tantric samaya.
特別的修持包括蓮師七支祈請文、持誦無量壽經和長壽佛心咒、或者修持您從 賈傑康楚仁波切領受灌頂的法本,例如仁波切由淨觀中所取出的長壽佛法門-長壽成就付予無死吉祥,或者從龍欽寧體、傑尊寧體、宇陀寧體或遍空自解取出的上師瑜珈法。此外,修持金剛薩埵淨障法修補過失以及做薈供修補密續三昧耶違犯也很好。
If you would like to send me a report of your 'offering of practice' please write in the subject line: 'Offering of practice.' That will make it easier for me to shift through the emails in my inbox. Also, please try to send your report to me by the evening of December 18 so that I may submit our report to Rinpoche on his birthday.
如果您想要獻上「修行的供養」,請寄信至我的電子郵件 chimegatsalling@gmail.com ,標題請寫 Offering of practice,這樣比較方便我找出您的來信。此外,請盡量在十二月十八日晚間之前寄信給我,以便我可以在隔日向仁波切獻上這份供養。
敬祝 法安
Lozang Zopa