490~咕里咕列Kurukulla 格魯 人氣:3256 Kurukulla智行佛母 咕里咕列梵文音譯,意譯『智行佛母』 1,Kurukulla Tantric Initiation Empowerment by Ven. 13th Zasep Tulku Rinpoche of Tibet Kurukulla is a semi-wrathful aspect of Tara. She is red, has one face, two eyes, and four arms. She is seen standing on one foot among flames, dancing. She holds a flower-glarland bow. She fascinates opponent forces, overcoming them through the pwoer of attraction. Kurukulla appears in thangka imagery thus: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.﹝六幅咕里咕列唐卡畫像可點選﹞2,The Tibetan goddess of love and wealth 碩博學位審議評鑑申請 上一篇(491~獅面空行母Lio) 回目錄 下一篇(489~地神達卡daka)